10X Your Sex - The Intimacy Ignitor for Better Sex

Episode 1 April 09, 2024 00:20:50
10X Your Sex - The Intimacy Ignitor for Better Sex
10X Your Sex
10X Your Sex - The Intimacy Ignitor for Better Sex

Apr 09 2024 | 00:20:50


Show Notes

10X Your Sex presents...

The Intimacy Ignitor for Better Sex (episode)

My body tingled with excitement when she said "I love that idea".


I couldn't believe we waited this long.

After we had our breakthrough "talk", each session was steamier than a HOT bath in July.

We both swear the vibration we emit from our bodies when we cum, could power a small city.

Amy weeps on occassion, yep, I'm a witness.

Are your sex (making-love) sessions like that?


Listen-in, we're goobers, but we've won the sex lottery...and we wanna share our winnings with you.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Welcome to the ten X, your sex podcast. Join Jay and Amy as they reveal sexy secrets to having phantasmagoric orgasms. Intensify intimacy and prepare to penetrate fantasies. Touch every desire and turn on the lovemaking heat. Get ready to take your sex to ten X. [00:00:26] Speaker B: Welcome, everyone. [00:00:27] Speaker C: Welcome. [00:00:28] Speaker B: This is Jay and I'm Amy. Thank you again for being here and. [00:00:32] Speaker C: We really appreciate all of you joining us. And as always, we want to make this session about you, and we'll continue to talk more about us down the line in future sessions. And along the way, Amy and I. [00:00:44] Speaker B: As you may know, started our journey with the end goal in mind, to help others gain a deeper connection and to help unlock new levels of pleasure and intimacy like we did our core program that we've aptly named ten X, your sex. We're basing that on our own personal experience with exactly what we're about to tell you now. It involves being vulnerable. So be prepared. Be ready to deepen and strengthen the connection that you share with your love or partner. And I say love or partner the most non threatening way possible. Mostly, be prepared for orgasmic delight like you've never felt until now. We may not be your answer to intimate challenges, but however, we can both assure you that this will work for you if you are willing to work on you. [00:01:31] Speaker C: And in this episode, we'll be covering how to uncover and communicate to your partner all of the fantasies and desires or needs that you've been afraid to bring up until now. [00:01:42] Speaker B: Uncover. I like that. Let's pull those covers down. Let's pull the covers off. [00:01:46] Speaker C: And we're excited to bring you the tool we never had, which will allow you to get to know yourself and your partner's fantasies, desires, and needs, and also to communicate those without judgment, shame, or any embarrassment. And Jay and I both agree that the best way to reveal some of our deepest desires can sometimes be from self exploration. [00:02:06] Speaker B: Masturbation. [00:02:07] Speaker C: Masturbation. And that's just regardless of your religious beliefs, I think that's important. Aside from that, and today we bring you a free tool that will help you not only reveal those, but introduce and practice them with your partner. [00:02:21] Speaker B: And we worked hard on this tool. The tool that we're bringing you is a sex survey. It is our Tenexuo sex survey. There are numerous questions and numerous paths the survey can lead you to. But if you take the survey honestly, the answers will be revealed honestly. And Amy and I both believe, and we wish we had this when we first started. We both believe that the survey must be taken at the same time together, and your answer is revealed at the same, maybe not the exact same time, but during that same moment. It has to be, as we said in episode one, a safe, judgment free, embarrassment, free, shame free environment. You both have to agree that no matter what is said, it's all coming from a place of bettering your relationship, bettering your partnership, and bettering your lovemaking, bettering your sex life. [00:03:23] Speaker C: Yeah. And I think trying to get your partner to communicate, or trying to communicate anything with your partner, this is a great jumping off point to take the survey that way, take some of the pressure off and you're not so unsure of how to broach the subject when you have something to stand on, when you have something to kind of propel that conversation a little bit. So you have some ideas because you've both taken the survey. So you're going to have your results and the survey basically just to touch a little bit about what they're going to find in the survey. It gets pretty in depth on some of the questions about what types of things you might be interested in, things that you've tried that you like, things that you don't like, things you wish you would or are interested in, that you would like to learn a little bit more about or maybe explore or do those things. So the survey really does get in touch on some pretty sensitive topics. [00:04:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:04:21] Speaker C: And so it's understandable that, you know, it might be a little bit, I don't know, like, oh, revealing. It's revealing. And it might make some people might feel a little uncomfortable with it, but through talking to their partner about some of these things. But I think it's important because if you're here and if you're listening and if you are wanting to better your sex with your partner and your lover partner, as we like to refer to it, that's why you're here. So we're here to not only help guide you, but to give you some pointers on how to go about those things and really just being open and being amenable, like being agreeable to even wanting to go down this journey, including your partner. Like, hopefully you're both on board with this, but if only one of you is looking into this right now, you know, this is where we can help bring the other person in or help broach that with them. [00:05:20] Speaker B: And that brings up a good point. If only one of you is looking for, if only one of you found our podcast right now and you're listening to this, God bless you. We appreciate you. We want to help you. We want to help you both. If your other partner isn't on board yet or you haven't even talked about the subject yet, let the survey be a crutch. Hey, I found this survey. It seems really cool. Are you willing to take part in this? I think we have great sex, but I want to see if there's maybe ways we can improve it. Not that you're unhappy. It has to come from a place of betterment, not correcting mistakes or correcting or fixing problems that are broken. Maybe unless you don't have a solid relationship that you're in love and a true basis of trust and faith and understanding and compassion between you two. Okay. But then maybe there are other issues that you need to work on. If you're at a good place in your relationship and you want to improve your sex, we believe that the survey is a great crutch for you to broach that subject with your partner. Hey, I found the survey seems really cool, but it says that we should take it at the same time and reveal our results at the same time. So if you're not, you know, like I said, in a place where you feel comfortable talking about, you know, bettering your sex lives out of the blue, use our survey as a crutch, as a tool. That's the tool we're bringing you today. So. [00:06:47] Speaker C: And it's, it's. It's also good to, you know, maybe to get your partner on board. You know, it depends on your level of communication already as far as how easy it's going to be to bring this up with them. Yeah. At least having that survey with you or doing that together will definitely make it easier. Another thing that you could do is just say, like Jay mentioned, we have amazing, wonderful sex. I think it can be better or we can spice it up. You know, just use some words like that. Like, you know, because that's why you're here. You do want to spice it up. You do want to make it better or there's. Somehow there's something lacking and you want to make it better, but you don't want to. Like Jay pointed out, you don't want to. You don't want to make anyone feel bad. It's. It's like you, you want to encourage better behavior and improve upon those things that you like or that are working or that you can make better. [00:07:46] Speaker B: Amy brings up a good point. And to add to that, the sex you're having now, you only got to that point in your life by exploring when you first saw something sexy that turned you on, whatever that may be. You were exploring. You were exploring your desires. You were exploring your thoughts. You were exploring a fantasy, whether it be a magazine, a video, a pornographic video, another person, whatever, all within the confines of the safety of your relationship. You were exploring. And whether you weren't partnered at the time, if you were, you know, caressing your own body, you were exploring your own body. And what feels good, what doesn't, what really feels good and what really doesn't, you were exploring. So that's all you're doing here. That's how you found us. You're exploring the possibility of better sex, of a better sex life, whether you're not having sex at all and you're only masturbating or self pleasing or you're the partner that you enjoy and you want to make it even better. And that's a great starting point. You want to make it even better. So explore the idea that it could be better. And we're telling you from point of experience, it can be better and it will be better. And we want to help you do that. So, yeah, definitely do the survey. It's a, it's a way for you to explore the possibilities of what could be. [00:09:13] Speaker C: I agree. And the only way to make things better is to start somewhere. And you have to talk. You have to open up. You have to remove those ingrained notions of what that looks like, even for every person. Like, you can't be afraid to talk about sex. If you're, if you're afraid to bring up anything like that, then, you know, maybe practice on it or, or really get that courage to explore. To explore. And also to bring those things up. Like you. The only way you can make things better is by working towards it, is by talking about it, is by sharing those things. It's by implementing those things. So the first step is just get better at your communication. Be open. Remove those fears that you might have the hang ups of what you think may happen if you bring this up. Only good things can come from this. Like, you will find out quickly one of two things. One, your partner's on board. Your partner lover is on board and agrees with you and says, hey, yeah, this is great. Let's try this. Let's see what can happen. Let's make it better. I agree. Let's do this. Or the other thing is you find out that your partner is not okay or uncomfortable talking about those things. You may find that it's working for them. And so then perhaps you can convince them down the line. But then at least, you know, there's not. If you're in a loving partnership, there really isn't. There shouldn't be a fear of trusting them of, you know, being non judgmental, like, you should really be giving that to one another already. And so this shouldn't be difficult. The topic might be difficult. The courage to bring up the topic might be difficult, but speaking with your partner about it shouldn't be difficult. Do you agree with that? [00:11:19] Speaker B: I agree 100%. You really both have to be on board with at least exploring the possibilities. When you two met, each of you had made a decision to explore the possibility of talking to one another. However, that was email, phone call, text, walk up to them in person. You explored the idea to reach out to that person, whoever it was, and look at where you are now. So, and we hope you're happy. We hope you're in a strong and healthy, fruitful relationship. And we want to. We want to better that. [00:11:52] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:11:53] Speaker B: Nothing happened in this world until somebody made the decision to improve their lives, whether it be to contact somebody, travel to somewhere, make something happen, and we want you to make it happen. We're here for you. The tools we have for you are we don't want to, we don't want to be hypey and say they're, they're proven, but we, they work for us. They work for us. The amount of time and effort and thought that was put into this survey, when you take it, you'll see that it will help you reveal to your lover, partner some of your deepest, darkest desires. And after you take the survey one time, that's all you need. The doors are now open. The doors. The possibility, the pleasure doors are open. [00:12:43] Speaker C: And there'll be a lot to talk about because there's a lot of topics. [00:12:46] Speaker B: A ton of topics. It's really wide open and it'll show you. It'll reveal to you your true self. It will allow you to be more you than you've ever been. That's how we feel about it anyway. [00:13:00] Speaker C: It'll open Pandora's box. I remember. I remember that one of our first conversations that we had about sex or about, you know, what can we do? We really just took the plunge. And I think it was after, after we made love one night. We were laying there and really just touching on the things that we really enjoyed about what we were doing, like, the things that felt really good and that we enjoyed that evening with one another. And that was a good starting point for us to be like, hey, what do you think about? You know, I loved this. Maybe we could do more of this. Or, hey, let's try maybe. Let's try this. You know, and I don't want to get into specifics, but. [00:13:45] Speaker B: Well, let's let's talk about one thing in particular. What we, what we learned was, once we were open and forthright in a completely shameless way, was we could optimize so many different aspects of our lovemaking and and our fuck sessions, I guess, or whatever, whatever you want to call it, whatever you're comfortable with. And if you don't swear, you know, I do. From time to time, Amy does, too. You'd be amazed. So here was one idea, one thought we had. We use toys in our lovemaking, and I don't know who said it or who thought about it, but I thought, what if we warmed these up prior to lovemaking? Oh, my God. It made the world of difference. All that did was it made everything. It brought everything to life. It brought, it gave everything its own, its own life, its own character, and it only added to the fantasy. So thats just one small thing in a sea of possibilities of optimizing and improving your sex life. [00:14:51] Speaker C: Yeah. Taking something thats already working and optimizing it. I like that you said that, Jay, because thats very true. And thats pretty much what happened for us. It was just these little things that started bigger things that started us bigger things, and that just really opened the doors up. And then it was just the sky was the limit after that point, because then once we had those conversations and made those adjustments and made those ideas happen, it was so easy and so effortless. And I can I can say that Jay and are more open with one another sexually than perhaps we've ever been with anyone else in our entire life. I know for facts that it's more than that. Yeah. That it's been more than I could have ever thought or dreamed possible by just unlocking that within yourself and opening that up and just being so open to trying these things with your partner because ultimately, you want them happy, you want them satisfied along with yourself. And nothing brings me personally, nothing brings me more pleasure than knowing and pleasuring Jay, and vice versa. [00:16:05] Speaker B: Oh, vice versa. [00:16:05] Speaker C: So that, for me, was enough to keep that line of communication open and continue to talk about things and share things and try new things. That's really what it came down to for me on a personal level and how it was easier for me to communicate that that was the baseline feeling and emotion that I had propelling me to communicate was his happiness. And along with my own. But really, I wanted to make you happy as well. [00:16:35] Speaker B: Well, we both agreed, and this is what we want for you as well. Once you open that line of communication, once you open the possibility of talking about anything, anything that pleases you in the bedroom, as long as you're safe about it and you're not going to harm your relationship. You know, we're not talking about, you know, creating orgies or bringing in a third, a third person, but talking about bringing in other people or the fantasy, the fantasy behind that is, is so empowering. And this all comes from a place of only building upon what you have, never taking away from or harming what you have. It only builds what you have. And I can't tell you how, how sexually happy we both are knowing that whatever we want to try, it's right there for us to talk about. And we could even talk about it casually. We don't have to be in the bedroom with incense burning and in porno playing. It could be over coffee in the morning. Hey, tonight, let's try this. [00:17:44] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:17:44] Speaker B: Ooh, that sounds juicy. Let's do it. We're so excited for you. We want this for you. We are here for you. Yeah, we're here for you. We don't claim to be some sex guru gods, but let me tell you something. When we entitled this program ten x your sex, we mean it because it has more than ten x'd. The sex we were having, which we thought was amazing, was amazing, and we've absolutely blown the doors open and expounded, expanded our mind. Our capabilities of pleasure has expanded. So the feeling, the love, the connections. Oh, the orgasms. And Amy's a Reiki healer. She understands Reiki. And I've become. I've become adept at Reiki just through our lovemaking sessions. We can touch one another at certain times, and the energy transfer can be. It's palpable. We can actually both feel pulses and sensations at the exact same time. We hope that for you. We want that for you. We, we are here to help you get to that point, however that journey may go, we want that for you. [00:19:10] Speaker C: Right. After all, you took a chance on love, take a chance on sex. We want everyone to have sex that. [00:19:16] Speaker B: Is ten x 100%. Very well said. And I think with that, we're going to leave you for today. We are available for one on one coaching sessions or group coaching sessions, where it's you and your partner with either Amy or I or the both of us. We do feel that sometimes a male female perspective is important for whatever the topic, whatever the issue, whatever the challenge. [00:19:42] Speaker C: So we're here for you and we want you to take our survey because we know that's going to help you and help your partner. We know that you're going to find the confidence in the ability to communicate those needs with your partner, that you're both going to be doing that. And we are very confident that once you do that, you're going to unlock unlimited sexual potential. Sexual potential that you both have. [00:20:08] Speaker B: It all starts with the survey. You've got to start there before we do anything else. You can find that at our website, sexualretreatsforcouples.com. Forward slash survey. That's it. Guys, we thank you. [00:20:23] Speaker C: Thank you so much for joining us and for taking this journey with us. [00:20:28] Speaker B: In the next episode, we will be talking about masturbation and self exploration and how you can develop and practice with your lover partners some of the hottest fantasies out there. [00:20:42] Speaker C: Oh, I can't wait for this one. I'm going to start practicing tonight. [00:20:46] Speaker B: Let's go practice right now. [00:20:47] Speaker C: Absolutely. [00:20:48] Speaker B: Bye, everybody. Goodbye.

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